Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Halloween Mold and Bacteria

During Halloween the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary: microscopic black mold may turn into giant monsters, the tiny bacteria cells could turn into huge amoebae-like giants capable of engulfing and digesting several human beings at once. Watch out on mold and bacteria on Halloween. These destructive creatures may turn into super- decomposers on Halloween and destroy all your Halloween pumpkins, Halloween costumes and even the Halloween homes.

As a microbiologist (i.e., a friend of those nasty organisms that are too tiny to be seen without a microscope) I fear the flesh-eating bacteria (Streptococcus pyogenes, and others ). During this Halloween I fear all molds and bacteria may turn into fresh-eating creatures. Given the numbers of these organisms in homes, outside in the parks, and virtually any place you may think of, I fear if these organisms turn into super flesh-eating germs...this Halloween could be the end of the human race.

Take care our readers. If you enjoyed reading this fictitious Halloween story pass the link to as many of your friends as you can. For facts about mold and bacteria visit or


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    About the Author

    Jackson Kung'u
    Dr. Jackson Kung’u is a Microbiologist who has specialised in the field of mycology (the study of moulds and yeasts). He is a member of the Mycological Society of America. He graduated from the University of Kent at Canterbury, UK, with a Masters degree in Fungal Technology and a PhD in Microbiology. He has published several research papers in international scientific journals. Jackson has analysed thousands of mould samples from across Canada. Jackson provides how-to advice on indoor mould and bacteria issues.

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